A Bicycle for Moshi

Help Our Field Partner Reach More Families with Moringa!

A Bicycle for Moshi image

Please help us to buy a bicycle for Moshi!

Pastor Moshi is our Field Partner in Malawi, East Africa. At the end of 2022, he trained a group of 10 Peer Educators who together with him have successfully planted moringa trees and introduced the knowledge of moringa to all of the 69 villages in the area!

This dynamic team works in a variety of ways, including holding large community gatherings, visiting homes, teaching at local schools, community centers, and churches, and establishing moringa clubs and nurseries.

Now, Pastor Moshi is getting requests to teach in villages up to 25 kilometers (15.5 miles) from his home in Chikwawa.

He needs a bicycle to reach these places. In Malawi, a bicycle costs $110 USD.

Will you please help?

(Please note: any funds raised beyond this need will go toward Strong Harvest's ongoing work.)

To become a regular supporter, please visit our main donation page: strongharvest.org/donate